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Hurry Xmas with Family
At last some pics made on fresh air! Like I said today to one of my brothers: I like winter (snow and cold …) till end of December, in January I tolerate this, but in February I dream about spring. My dreams come true cause it’s sunny and warm and it seems to stay like that till march or even longer (so they say in weather forecasts) :D. Lately I’m really fond of my new eyes sweatshirt, which I bought cheap and it’s similar to those from Kenzo! It work great with so many clothes.
Thanx to my brother who made me so many nice photos … it was hard to choose the best!
At last some pics made on fresh air! Like I said today to one of my brothers: I like winter (snow and cold …) till end of December, in January I tolerate this, but in February I dream about spring. My dreams come true cause it’s sunny and warm and it seems to stay like that till march or even longer (so they say in weather forecasts) :D. Lately I’m really fond of my new eyes sweatshirt, which I bought cheap and it’s similar to those from Kenzo! It work great with so many clothes.
Thanx to my brother who made me so many nice photos … it was hard to choose the best!