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- For the Nike Women's Training Spring 2012 collection, we asked Nike athletes and trainers to examine the way they train and look for the commonalities in their range of motion. Our designers then used innovation and design to develop a collection…Continua a leggere
- For the Nike Women's Training Spring 2012 collection, we asked Nike athletes and trainers to examine the way they train and look for the commonalities in their range of motion. Our designers then used innovation and design to develop a collection…Continua a leggere
- For the Nike Women's Training Spring 2012 collection, we asked Nike athletes and trainers to examine the way they train and look for the commonalities in their range of motion. Our designers then used innovation and design to develop a collection…Continua a leggere
- For the Nike Women's Training Spring 2012 collection, we asked Nike athletes and trainers to examine the way they train and look for the commonalities in their range of motion. Our designers then used innovation and design to develop a collection…Continua a leggere