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Archivi Mensili: Luglio 2016
- Health, convenience prime concerns for consumers Last year's hottest supermarket craze -- low-carb products -- can be found in this year's clearance aisle. In a country obsessed with dieting, we've seen low-fat, fat-free, sugar-free, low-carb,…Continua a leggere
- Experts offer advice on navigating the supermarket. Good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store. Cooking up healthy meals is a challenge if you don't have the right ingredients in your kitchen. But who has time…Continua a leggere
- Must-have items for quick, healthy snacks and meals. How many times do you open your refrigerator door each day, peering in and hoping to be inspired? It stands to reason that if you keep your refrigerator stocked with appetizing foods…Continua a leggere
- Publlicato: Luglio 13, 2016Amazon is celebrating its 20th birthday using with a massive sale, which it is dubbing Prime day in a concerted effort to remind those who are yet to sign up to its pricey Prime package that it exists. In an attempt to make your day of…Continua a leggere
- Publlicato: Luglio 12, 2016We all get stuck at the supermarket checkout from time to time when the assistant can’t get an item’s bar code to scan. We’re left watching in awkward silence as the flustered employee waves the item every which way, upside…Continua a leggere